
Production line and mining drills need steam instead of electric energy. / Must be compatible with all mods, UPS friendly, multiplayer friendly.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [done] 1.1 update

Hello comrade,

Just want to say that this mod is absolutely genious and underated. I haven't had time to test it yet, but is it compatible with 1.1 update? If no, can you please update it or teach me how to do?

Thanks a lot!

Btw, this mod + this one here:

Absolutely genious, I literally feel like a british factory worker back in 1800's

3 years ago

Hello mate,

thanks for the ping! I did a quick check with a simple version bump, and it seems to do the trick. A new version has been published :)

Glad to hear you enjoy this mod!

New response