Stats GUI

Displays various statistics, such as biter evolution, playtime, and more. Blends in with the game's FPS/UPS indicator. Similar to EvoGUI.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Love it!

4 years ago

Was only thinking recently that that part of the UI would be great for an EVO style display. Thank you!

4 years ago

Thank you! Both for the kind word and the donation. :D

4 years ago

Local and Global Pollution? are they present? can they be added in a feature update?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I didn't add pollution because I didn't personally use it, but it was literally four lines of code to add it, so it'll be in for the next version.

If anyone has any other sensors they want, let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Edit: I looked at global pollution as well, but it's a meaninglessly high number so I don't think it's all that useful.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Awesome thx for this!
As for the Global pollution see this mod,this one does it right,i am no coder so can't tell you what to look for

4 years ago

Yeah, that's the same kind of number that this mod would display. But that's the use of that? When you're looking at pollution, you're worrying about where it is rather than how much there is in total. I don't see the point of it.

4 years ago

well add it as an option if it's not too much of a hassle, so we can chose,me personally use both,but ill leave it up to you :)

4 years ago

Yeah, that's the same kind of number that this mod would display. But that's the use of that? When you're looking at pollution, you're worrying about where it is rather than how much there is in total. I don't see the point of it.

Warptorio2 says "Hello, and welcome to a warp platform where the pollution count drives fresh evolution on every planet you visit." :D

That said, the evolution factor itself is a good enough proxy--the "Warp Stabilization" functionality doesn't reset the surface's pollution anymore, so it's..less of a variable than it used to be.

As far as the research progress goes, it might be nice to have a setting for the time window for the average. There's a certain update rate and inconsistency magnitude outside of which I just have to disable UIs or get really...antsy. No pressure though; disabling it works just fine. ;)

Other than that...I agree with OP, nice mod. :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

@dtoxic I opted not to add a global pollution sensor, but I added a remote interface that makes it ridiculously easy to add new sensors, so you can add it to your stats GUI if you really want it.

@IronCartographer Unfortunately, changing the average time of the research ETC counter would result in the count updating at an inconsistent rate. It is what it is. Sorry! However, I did discover that it completely breaks in multiplayer, so I have fixed that. You should see much more sensible numbers now.

4 years ago

Thank you!!! :)

3 years ago

Wow how sleak this looks.
Awesome work.

Even research ETC is in it already.

Well that's what to expect from the GUI god of Factorio.