
Hand crafting stuff costs health. Keep some fish handy, and research Automation ASAP.

2 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Health not regenerating

5 years ago

I'm not sure if it is this mod or if it is another but health is not regenerating. The startup settings are set to 0.4 and 60. Crafting/mining lowers health as expected, but then it stays there, so I'm needing to keep hold of a lot of fish, especially considering how this affects battle with biters as well. Anyone have any idea why this is happening, if some other mod might be causing it (none of these did in 0.16, although back then in stamina I left it at defaults, 40 instead of 60).

5 years ago

Found the cause, Bob's Miner class has lower regeneration, which just happens to perfectly counter-balance with 60 in stamina. ^.^;

Maybe stamina could take into effect regeneration rates or so?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It does. The health drain Stamina incurs is relative to the regen of the character you're using... I installed Bob's Classes to test it and everything seems to work just fine.

Bob's Classes defines the new characters in the data phase.

Stamina performs its adjustments (mostly, tweaking regen and the "out of combat" delay) in the data-updates phase on all currently defined player types in such a way to ensure they all get penalized at the same rate (due to high vanilla regen, Stamina almost always decreases regen from the data phase so the craft capacity won't be tiny). Bob's Classes doesn't do anything to health or regen here.

Neither touches regen or health in the data-final-fixes phase.

Stamina's actual health drain is calculated and performed at runtime based on whatever the final definition ended up with. Are you using some other mod that does something to at runtime? Or a mod that might cause Stamina to think you're crafting, mining, or moving when you aren't (though if you left the mining/running penalties at their 50% default this shouldn't matter)?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Was playing in multiplayer and someone using the military class was regenerating fine for a while, and then stopped. So it seems some other mod is screwing around with it. Trying to figure out what but none that I have installed should be touching a character at all other than those... Bleh... >.>

Hmm, actually, I wonder if Progressive Running might be causing issues, it slows down a persons running modifier to almost nothing until they move a sufficient distance (to keep you from insta-jumping around when having high running speeds, like full of exo's), I'll try to remember to test that unless someone else beats me to it...

5 years ago

Did you ever figure it out? I tried it with that running mod you linked and while I didn't test exhaustively it seemed fine. I did notice that if you switch bodies while running the original body keeps running, but it didn't seem to affect Stamina (though I only checked briefly).

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