Squeak Through

Allows you to walk between what used to be obstacles such as directly adjacent solar panels, pipes, steam engines, mining drills, and chests. No more frustration when walking about your base!

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Incompatibility with Krastorio 2 (related to a bug of squeak_behaviour property)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi Supercheese,
In the latest updates of Krastorio 2 (0.9.22 on Factorio 0.18.31), changing the vanilla electring mining drill bounding box, that in K2 have an upgradable version, my users got this error:

As u can see in Krastorio 2\compatibility-scripts\data\Squeak_Through.lua, I have already sign some entities to be excluded from ur modification with the interface that u made for other modders, but I prefer not adjust this directly, because in this case we have a conflict of bounding boxes, that in Factorio must be the same for all entities that are in the same fast_replaceable_group.

Can u add, after ur algorithm have finished to modify the bounding boxes, to check from the previous to the latest entity in the same fast_replaceable_group that they have the same bounding boxes? This will solve all possible problems when a mod use squeak_behaviour = false on an entity in a fast_replaceable_group.

Thank u for ur time.

3 years ago

why not have the mk1 drill have the same bounding box/model as the mk2/mk3? this error seems to be because in krastorio2 0.9.22, the mk1 electric mining drill now uses the old graphics, while the mk2/mk3 use the new graphics like mk1 also did in krastorio2 0.9.21

just a suggestion, I don't fully understand the reason for going back to the old graphics for the mk1 in k2 0.9.22, so maybe I'm missing something

3 years ago

In my opinion the correct solution should be to add now the direct adjust in Krastorio, so both mods can work without conflicts and players can use both freely while this is sorted out and once an agreement on how this should be solved and the solution is implemented, remove the "patch" from Krastorio...

3 years ago

Hi nagapito,
obviously I will fix it also on K2 side in the next patch (and I have already fix it), because I'm surrounded by keyboard lions and flamers, if I leave an open bug for more than 2 weeks someone start blackmail me usually... but in time with experience, I understand that if two modders cooperate when possible, instead of apply asynchronous patches that in most cases they fight to overwrite previous loaded mod... the result will be very better. So, the problem doesn't persist anymore, but if Supercheese manage this no other mods will suffer the same problem.

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