Spidertron Engineer

Build your factory as a Spidertron from the start! Instead of unlocking better weapons and armor, unlock upgrades to yourself.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Transportation Combat

i Teleporters Compatibility

3 years ago

Having a lot of fun being a Spidertron in my most recent playthrough! Any chance you'd be able to make this compatible with Teleporters? Right now, standing on a teleporter as a Spidertron Engineer doesn't trigger it.

Note - posting on both mods, since not sure which would need the update.

3 years ago

Hello, thanks for the request. Unfortunately I suspect that this would be very difficult to add, if not impossible. It also probably requires more work from Teleporters than this mod. I don't have time to investigate at the moment anyway, so I will have to decline this suggestion for now. Sorry!

New response