Spidertron Engineer

Build your factory as a Spidertron from the start! Instead of unlocking better weapons and armor, unlock upgrades to yourself.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Transportation Combat

g Weird Bug whenever I add a mod

3 years ago

So, whenever I add any mod, doesn't matter what it is, my inventory size resets and it drops the "spidertron engineer mk2" and "Spidertron Engineer mk3" items on the ground... it's really annoying. Eventually it fixes itself, but yeah.

3 years ago

Thanks for the report, that's not great! It should reset itself when you get in and out of a vehicle (and on a number of other events). I'll see if I can get a fix for it.

3 years ago

Are you supposed to be able to enter and exit vehicles? it wont let me press enter to do so

3 years ago

I'm having same problem, getting in and out of a train fixes it but still highly annoying.

3 years ago

Would you mind telling me which mod it is? Or a list of mods

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