Spidertron Engineer

Build your factory as a Spidertron from the start! Instead of unlocking better weapons and armor, unlock upgrades to yourself.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Transportation Combat

i [Completed-1.8.0] Don't remove armour and weapons

3 years ago

can there be an option to not disable armor/weapon unlocks and recipes? I'm noticing some compatibility issues with other mods when they require weapons or armor in their recipes.

there's also a worry that Space Exploration will kill the player who doesn't have the life support module installed into a space suit.

a player can always access their gun and armor slots through the Character tab on the inventory screen in 1.0, even while in a vehicle, so why not add an option to not remove the weapons and armor from being craftable? it'd handily solve the problem of robots not being able to take from the players inventory, because then you'd be crafting the modular armor that is being used.

it'd also make it significantly easier for players to choose whether they want to use the spidertron's equipment, their personal equipment, or both!

3 years ago

I completely forgot to finish the title. my bad.

3 years ago

if you allow for normal armor progression, you can also change it so that the spidertron equipment grid, and storage both unlock when the spidertron research is completed, if you want to avoid giving the player too much equipment slots too early.

3 years ago

Sorry for not responding. This has been added in tomorrow's 1.8.0 update.

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