Spidertron Engineer

Build your factory as a Spidertron from the start! Instead of unlocking better weapons and armor, unlock upgrades to yourself.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Transportation Combat

i [Completed] Option keep power armor (OP)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I know that the spidertron should replace the armor, you are (should be) the spider itself. The idea here is more of a compatibility for the fast start mods.

For instance, I like to play with full bob angels, etc, but now a days they are super slow to start and they are not balance for biters at early game, so I usually get some starter mod like the MegaBotStart.

That actually works if you start a new game (so its a feature hahaha), you are the spidertron and have the poweramor +the bots and reactors stuff, but whenever you change something in the mods, add a new mod for example, when you load back the game, it get ride of the armor and all items in it.

That could also start disabled by default, something like "Enable power armor (OP)".

Or some how a more complex settings like "Allow you to have and craft the power armor", "Allow you to have but not craft the power armor", "Disable power armor".

Sure that I'm only thinking in the easiest way to keep other mods working, and also the bots can use your inventory instead of only using the spidertron trunk.

Or maybe some way to disable the script that remove the power armor would be enough

3 years ago

I realise this is an old post now, but "Compatibility mode" was added quite a while ago, which does what you're asking :)

New response