speeds and feeds

Adds Startup Options to change length of pipe to grounds, and Underground belts. Adds Startup Options to change speed of belts. Also includes a small qol fix for belt related items. Belts, underground belts and splitters are now fast replaceable with vanilla belts and vise versa.

6 months ago

g ✅speed limit worse than other mods

1 year, 1 month ago

Hey I'm using bob's logistics along with SE-K2-BZ. The setting limits the speed worse than what bob's logistics do witch increases speed by 30 every tiers. and 240 is a engine max. where if u put 300 it would still just run at 240 items a sec.

My point is i would like to adjust the setting to making some belts better than others. but limit won't make it possible.
and my bob's max belt speed is 180 and the deep space belt i want 240.

1 year, 1 month ago

I just set an arbitrary limit. If 240 is engine max I’ll change it to that

1 year, 1 month ago

awesome & Thank u So much

1 year, 1 month ago

Also, what are the item per seconds for all the belts in your mod stack?

When I tried bobs it was still +15 per belt tier

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

In bob's u adjust a setting and u can make it increase by 30 per tier.
from the yellow tier of belt. witch make it so grey/white is 15, yellow is 30, red 60, blue 90, purple 150, green 180. personally i don't mind getting 180.

1 year, 1 month ago

due to some weird shit in SE the belt speed does not got perfectly.
as in a bobs pack i play the speed goes White 30, yellow 60, red 90, blue 120, purple, 150, green 180.

1 year, 1 month ago

due to some weird shit in SE the belt speed does not got perfectly.
as in a bobs pack i play the speed goes White 30, yellow 60, red 90, blue 120, purple, 150, green 180.

Deep space, or space belt?

1 year, 1 month ago

Deep space, or space belt?

Factorio + 3 extra tiers of bob's logistic belts.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

"name": "base",

"name": "aai-containers",

"name": "aai-industry",

"name": "aai-signal-transmission",

"name": "Aircraft",

"name": "alien-biomes",

"name": "alien-biomes-hr-terrain",

"name": "angelsaddons-mobility",

"name": "artillery-bombardment-remote",

"name": "auto-research",

"name": "AutoDeconstruct",

"name": "AutomaticStationNames",

"name": "Automatic_Train_Painter",

"name": "belt-visualizer",

"name": "betterCargoPlanes",

"name": "BigBags",

"name": "bismuth",

"name": "Blue-Ghosts",

"name": "blueprint-sandboxes",

"name": "blueprint_flip_and_turn",

"name": "bobenemies",

"name": "bobinserters",

"name": "boblibrary",

"name": "boblogistics",

"name": "bobmining",

"name": "BottleneckLite",

"name": "bullet-trails",

"name": "bz-dsr-bridge",

"name": "bzall10n",

"name": "bzaluminum",

"name": "bzcarbon",

"name": "bzchlorine",

"name": "bzfoundry",

"name": "bzgas",

"name": "bzlead",

"name": "bzsilicon",

"name": "bztin",

"name": "bztitanium",

"name": "bztungsten",

"name": "bzzirconium",

"name": "CleanedConcrete",

"name": "clock",

"name": "cncs_Sulfur_Mod",

"name": "combat-mechanics-overhaul",

"name": "Concretexture",

"name": "Configurable-Armour-Suits",

"name": "CopyPasteModules",

"name": "Death_Counter",

"name": "DiscoScience",

"name": "DisplayPlates",

"name": "dont-build-on-ores",

"name": "even-distribution",

"name": "EvoGUI",

"name": "ExpensiveConcrete",

"name": "FactorySearch",

"name": "Fill4Me-fixed",

"name": "flib",

"name": "floating-damage-text",

"name": "Flow Control",

"name": "flow-control-expanded-bob",

"name": "fluid-void-extra",

"name": "Fluidless_Mining_and_Ore_Washing",

"name": "FNEI",

"name": "grappling-gun",

"name": "helmod",

"name": "Infinizoom",

"name": "informatron",

"name": "inventory-repair",

"name": "jetpack",

"name": "Krastorio2",

"name": "Krastorio2Assets",

"name": "Kux-OrbitalIonCannon",

"name": "Landfill_plus",

"name": "LB-Modular-Chests",

"name": "LoaderRedux",

"name": "LoaderRedux-BobLogistics",

"name": "LoaderRedux-SpaceExploration",

"name": "LogisticTrainNetwork",

"name": "LtnManager",

"name": "manual-inventory-sort",

"name": "mining-patch-planner",

"name": "ModuleInserterER",

"name": "Nanobots",

"name": "nicefill-scriptfix",

"name": "NightvisionToggles",

"name": "nixie-tubes",

"name": "omnimatter_move",

"name": "ore-manager-fixed",

"name": "Orphan Finder",

"name": "osm-lib",

"name": "osm-lib-postprocess",

"name": "par_lib",

"name": "PickerDollies",

"name": "PipeVisualizer",

"name": "Power-Armour-Replacer",

"name": "qol_research",

"name": "railloader",

"name": "RampantArsenal",

"name": "RateCalculator",

"name": "RealisticFusionPower",

"name": "RealisticFusionWeaponry",

"name": "RecipeBook",

"name": "Repair_Turret",

"name": "reskins-bobs",

"name": "reskins-library",

"name": "reverse-factory",

"name": "reverse-factory-postprocess",

"name": "robot_attrition",

"name": "robot_attrition_NO",

"name": "rusty-locale",

"name": "SE-Recipe-Tweaker",

"name": "shield-generators",

"name": "shield-projector",

"name": "Shortcuts-ick",

"name": "simhelper",

"name": "simple-wind-turbine",

"name": "space-exploration",

"name": "space-exploration-graphics",

"name": "space-exploration-graphics-2",

"name": "space-exploration-graphics-3",

"name": "space-exploration-graphics-4",

"name": "space-exploration-graphics-5",

"name": "space-exploration-menu-simulations",

"name": "space-exploration-postprocess",

"name": "spidertron-extended",

"name": "Squeak Through",

"name": "stdlib",

"name": "steinios_unlasting_oil",

"name": "StoneWaterWell",

"name": "TaskList",

"name": "textplates",

"name": "Transport_Drones",

"name": "VehicleSnap",

"name": "VoidChestPlus",

"name": "walls-block-spitters",

"name": "Warehousing",

"name": "WireShortcuts",

"name": "Wood_Gasification",

"name": "YARM",

1 year, 1 month ago

Thanks, I would just like to say that the loader mods you have aren’t supported by this mod, so they probably aren’t scaling properly.

As for the crash, it’s a bobs logistics and advanced belts conflict.

With how bobs mod’s already has a scaling feature, I’ll set it up so that when it’s detected, it disables vanilla belt speed changes(probably underground length too) leaving k2 and Space Exploration space belt changes available

1 year, 1 month ago


1 year, 1 month ago

The loader mod i use copies the speed of the belts. Also that 's why i prefer that loader mod over K2's bullshit.

1 year, 1 month ago

I wish aai also did that

1 year, 1 month ago

if u play SE u can Use loader redux with the SE addon. or as i show in image here u can see the main mod including its addons depending on what other mod u have.


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