Schmitt | Speed Limit Signs for Trains 🚄🔟

Place speed limit signs beside tracks to immediately lower the train speed to the required speed limit.

1 year, 2 months ago

i ❌ Decelleration factor as setting

2 years ago

Could you make the deceleration factor a mod setting so we can change it to whatever we want?

2 years ago

Good idea. Currently its nearly immediate stop. And in the original mod its realisitic deceleration. A setting would be something in between.

1 year, 1 month ago

The difference between my mod and the original mod is the fast decelleration.

If you prefer a realistic decellaration you can use this mod:

I introduced the change since I found it annoying that the train needs ages to decellerate. You can use multiple signs with decreasing speed limits to get s smoother slow down as well (200, 150, 100 instead of only 100 for example).

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