Sparkletron's Terraformers

Add some spice to your next map. Explore oceans, new hexagonal worlds, or expand a modular base through regular diamond chokepoints

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i Cliffs and Flat Water Settings

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

can be deleted!!

i was using the mod alien biomes. it comes with walkeable shallow water and it brings the option to disable shallow water.


i like this mod a lot. it turns factorio into a new experience. it's a lot of fun to customize my maps.

i would like to create a map with square moats.
Unfortunately, I can't make the canals impassable for biters.
I would also like to play this map with cliffs that are only created near water.

  1. maybe you can create an option that the canals become impassable or that everything becomes deep water.

  2. cliff generation only near water and not in the midland.

thank you for your attention and your work on the mod.

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