Spacedestructor Uranium Enrichment Rebalance For Space Exploration deprecated

This is my Personal Rebalance Mod for the Uranium Enrichment in Space Exploration because i belive 40 rare resource and 5 common for a gain of +1 rare and -3 common is ways to slow to get in to effect. So i rebalanced it to 4 common and 1 Rare instead for the same gain and loss but faster taking effect in gameplay.

2 years ago

g Question

2 years ago

Just making sure, you do know that the kovarex recipe is vanilla, right? There's no real reason to name SE in a mod which rebalances it.

2 years ago

Im fully aware it is a vanilla Recipe and that its not changed by Space Exploration but thats exactly why i call it a Rebalance for Space Exploration because it changes the recipe to what i believe fits better to the balance of Space Exploration.

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