Spacedestructor Space Exploration Modpack

An Space Exploration Modpack as it is played by Spacedestructor! Re uploaded since people kept confusing this version with the original and i had to change the name to make it even more ovious. *insert frustrated emoji* Important information in the Full Description.

Mod packs
2 years ago

g Space exploration incompatibility

2 years ago

Please remove the incompatibility with space exploration. It causes the mods to turn each other off, which results with our detection scripts not detecting the reason why SE failed to load.

2 years ago

While i can understand the situation, the incompatibillity is listed because otherwise while being enabled at the same time it causes issues as space exploration is very picky about what your allowed to do without causing issues. The intended way to run this is by enabling the Modpack and then disable again before restarting, this way all mods are working as intended.
side note also: This Pack is literally just the official one with a few extras i use in combination with it, so syncing with other people i play with is more easy. There is absolutely no reason/need to support this on top with the Official pack. If you want to stop people from doing something wrong you can simply just mark this as incompatible and tell people to use the official one instead, many make changes after installing a pack anyways so having my modifications pre installed is pointless as it doesnt actually modify anything and is equal to manually enabling the same list of mods.

2 years ago

The reason we marked the last one as incompatible is that it mislabeled itself as an official modpack. This one is not so that's not an issue for now. But if it ever does become an issue, a mutual incompatibility situation WILL make it impossible for us to easily find the source.
We got 2 cases of people having issues due to having version 1.2 of your old modpack which was also marked incompatible, but since se is also incompatible, it ended up turning off, while not being able to find the cause of it turning off, since the modpack turned off as well, 'wiping the evidence' as it were.

2 years ago

I already marked the old pack as "deprecated" on the mod portal in order to stop it from showing up unless people are specifically searching for it since im not able to delete it completely from the mod portal.
As far as evidence goes, the modpack will still show up in the list of installed mods, so you can just ask them to show if they have it which can be done by showing the mods that would be directly above and below alphabetically sorted. Unfortunately i cant resolve any issue caused by mutually incompatibility as i dont want to confuse people by having two separate versions/uploads of the same modpack and if i upload the old one to remove the incompability in case that would actually help anything all it would do is bump the mod back up in visible range of people since it got an update and people would use the wrong version again.
Im totally willing to update this version/upload and see if i can resolve any issues caused by having it enabled that appeared for my self previously, however making any changes to the old version/upload wont be possible due to how the mod portal works. I believe doing that would only make the situation worse.

2 years ago

The old modpack ship has sailed, true.
But if for any reason the new modpack gets marked as incompatible, the same issue will happened again. Having it mark SE as incompatible won't change anything.

2 years ago

As far as i understand the old pack was marked as incompatible because people did mistake it for the original one despite me putting in the description that it isnt. So im trying to be optimistic about it, however if it should be happening and fixing it is as simple as removing that its marked as incompatible then i can totally change that when it happens.

2 years ago

There's literally no reason to have it, besides creating problems in the future.

2 years ago

Im writing this reply to let you know, i have just uploaded 1.0.17 which as requested changes space exploration from incompatible to required.
I have also cleaned out the dependency list from things space exploration already requires as well as dependencies from dependencies.
Now that its handled mostly through space exploration to add most of the mods and this one only adds mods marked as optional and extra mods i hope this makes combability as easy as i can make it on other modders.
Im sorry for any inconvenience caused as i wasnt aware that some of my habits carried over from places i have been previous active are harmful here to some extend.

New response