Solidified Fluids

Adds technology for different recipes to convert fluids to items and to convert them back. In addition, some fluids can be transformed into other fluids in this way. Furthermore, recipe variants for all products can be added, to replace fluid ingredients with solidified fluids. Various aspects like recipe availability and stack size are configurable.

2 years ago

b Bio Industries incompatibility

6 months ago

Sorry. I can basically only add compatibility with large conversion mods when I play them myself. Otherwise, it's not really feasible to work on it and test it.

6 months ago

Than play it ;-) should not be a big dial. Bio-industries changes very few recipes (optional) but adds new ones without dependency to others.mods.
Bio-industries was my first mod I played and the first mod I wrote a compatibilty mod for (Deadlockl Stacking).

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