Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [UNABLE TO REPRODUCE] Crash when chaning name of Input/Output Pole from compact Circuits

a month ago

Hello again :D
This seems a bit tricky as it doesn't happen all the time and as long as I do something else after a crash the Pole can be changed again, but crashes do happen semi random when changing the name

The mod Smart Inserters (2.0.11) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Smart_Inserters::on_gui_text_changed (ID 2)
yafla/scripts/experimental/gui_builder.lua:63: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
yafla/scripts/experimental/gui_builder.lua:63: in function <yafla/scripts/experimental/gui_builder.lua:53>

In the same it doesn't matter which pole is changed the crash happens on all of them.

a month ago

Ill check

New response