Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [DONE] non recoverable error

a month ago

pressed 'e' to close the gui and this happened
error while event Smart_Inserters::on_gui_closed(id:96)
smart_inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:303:attempt to call field 'delete' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
smart_inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:303: in function 'delete'
smart_inserters/control.lua:71: in function <smart_inserters/control.lua:68>

a month ago

pressed 'e' to close the gui and this happened
error while event Smart_Inserters::on_gui_closed(id:96)
smart_inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:303:attempt to call field 'delete' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
smart_inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:303: in function 'delete'
smart_inserters/control.lua:71: in function <smart_inserters/control.lua:68>

edit: ok, so it just happens whenever i close it in general

a month ago

did you update YAFLA to 0.1.9?

a month ago

ah, that was it. thank you

a month ago

happy to help

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