Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g [DONE] After update inserters range is wrong

a month ago

I am loading a save with Pyanodon suit (probably not relevant). I had 2 tech for range increment researched, setting "equal". Right now i see in the inserter interface only range of 2, those that were configured to range 3 still working but i don't even see pickup or dropoff on the UI of that inserter. Both techs are still researched, range is more that 2 in settings,

a month ago

equal means that every inserter has the same range.

So from what I'm understanding you have:
settings 3
tech researched 2
range available 2 right?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

yup. Should be 3. I made it max range 5 and i see 2 techs unresearched and 2 researched - should be 3 now. Highest researched tech literally says - square 7 x 7 and i see 5 x 5. Probably some problem with transition between versions?

a month ago

I'm trying to fix, I know why that happens, but I'm worried that fixing that would break other things

a month ago

Should be fixed

a month ago

Ohhh now it crashes ot startup

29.757 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1567: File not found: Smart_Inserters/graphics/icons/circle.png;


a month ago

done (updated a while ago but I forgot to reply)

a month ago

Seems to be working. Thanks!!!!

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