Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [] SI copy/paste config is reset after any mod update

7 months ago

Well, the subject.
SI copy/paste config state is reset to the default after ANY mod update.

7 months ago

I'll check if I can do something about it, I don't remember if I made it reset myself to avoid other potential bugs.

5 months ago

Copy and paste still seems broken.
Copy and paste from one Basic slim to the other changes the settings.

5 months ago

It's a different topic, the problem you're referring to is not the copy-paste configurator but the mod inner working, I guess you're the same guy on discord so I wrote just to clarify here.

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

According to API Docs, the exact data of what was changed is passed to the on_configuration_changed event.

This line creates an empty data table only if it's missing, when this function unconditionally resets the data.

My suggestion would be:
1. Game version change:
- Patch: Keep
- Major or minor: Drop
2. Mods list change:
- SI in the list: ?
- SI not present: Keep
3. Startup changes: Keep
4. Migrations applied: ?

4 months ago

So I will change the behavior to update only when something changes in SI/ YAFLA (maybe).
I'm working on something and I'm planning to make a full rewrite of some functions so this will take a bit.
The migration will always be a full reset to the base configuration of that version, having a migration for the actual content of that menu is probably unnecessary (I'll probably add a message in chat to notify the player).

Still, I was surprised (nicely) that you took the time to look at that awful code.
this function should not have changed the settings since the line that add checkboxes this should keep the data "state = global.SI_Storage[player_index].copy_settings[name]"

I guess I was missing something somewhere along the pipeline of the function ensure_data.

Sorry if the message is long/technical I don't get every day a chance to talk about this code so it was fun for me.

2 months ago

This feature will be removed in 2.0 so this is not a problem anymore

2 months ago

This feature will be removed in 2.0 so this is not a problem anymore

No more copy/paste config? Why so?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I want to add presets to the mod, so a set of shortcuts that you can set to any position

like 90°/45° and so on...

But you can imagine this feature takes a bit of time to implement properly.

2.0 is a FULL REWRITE of the mod so I need to implement the copy past from scratch again, and since I need to develop a new UI for the presets configurator the copy past will come back with that release hopefully.

here is a preview of some changes in 2.0

support for strange inserters, new icons, new settings, and what should be a more stable mod overhaul.

If you want I'm searching beta tester for the mod.

P.S. Renai transportation support is still no implemented, it's not easy to fine a good way to implement it, I have some ideas but they take time...

New response