Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [COMING SOON] Pickup/Dropoff same tile

1 year, 2 months ago

With Bob's Adjustable inserters I can select pickup and Dropoff point as the same tile, this is useful to design compact kovarexes structures and to make smaller setups with enrichment modded facilities as well.

Could this be a planned update please?

1 year, 2 months ago

you could set take on (x, y) then place it on the tile above (x, y-1), in the actual code there’re some components dedicated to avoid position overlapping.

I will add this to my planned list BUT this will be a setting in the best case and it will not come out soon so if you need this for a specific plant use the system in the image or use bob because I'm working on a major feature right now so this will go down the list.

1 year, 2 months ago

Yeah for 2x2 or 3x3 structure that works, but 1x1 it doesn't :/
Also inserter P/D on same tile is faster than on a different tile since it doesn't do arc, its a 0º arc so its instant movement.
The pic you shown does 15º I think, but its still slower than P/D on same tile.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

P/D on the same tile is faster but it could hardly be considered movements, by adjusting P/D offsets in the near cells you can speed it up a little bit.

(again P/D on the same tile is not coming anytime near)

Also with 2 structure and by changing the ofsets you could do this:

2 months ago

This feature is implemented, it will come with Smart Inserter 2.0.x

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