Smarter Trains

Train lines, automated refueling, 'dynamic' train schedules

2 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Trains not tracked correctly

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

How are Trains tracked exactly? I have a bug where I got 21 Trains but ST is tracking 38 Trains. On some Lines, if I activate a train, it gets counted twice. I made a list with train name, cargo config and line name but I see no pattern when it's counting correctly or wrong.
I play with version 0.14.20 and on my own multiplayer server with 4 friends.
My Trains are about half L-C-L and half L-CC-L.
ST Version is 1.1.6

8 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, i guess the notification hack/script isn't working reliably.

Tracking trains is a bit of a mess, since there are no events available to when a train changes (loco/wagons get added or removed, de-/coupled etc). It should still work apart from the wrong numbers being displayed.
If you could upload the save/get me the IP from the server i can take a look at it. If you want to message me privately: or Choumiko on Steam

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