
by SinRopa

Total conversion replacing crafting and research with randomized trade routes. Disable all other mods, as only base is supported. It's best to disable map features you don't want in your way. You should not play with biters at least. You were warned!

4 years ago


Version: 1.1.1
Date: 12.12.2020

Removed some useless items from the market
Fixed broken MapGen Localized string
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 12.12.2020

Update to factorio 1.1

Fix for breaking change where crash debris ruined starting area spawns. (Should be playable again)
Version: 0.2.6
Date: 2.12.2020

Update to factorio 0.18
Version: 0.2.5
Date: 7.10.2019

	- Changes will not work with previous maps
	- Changed the chat log text for tier 2 to a lighter blue
	- Renamed recipe coal to Coal, as it will now appear in chat
	- Throttled the rate of road construction
	- Throttled the rate of map labeling
	- Increased max length of roads
	- Removed mapping from chunk creating to reduce spikes
	- Move Market away from rocket to not block player movement
	- Inserters stack size increased to 25
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 6.29.2019

	- Cities which can produce science will have said icon mapped with their tier to aid in finding those important trades
	- Buildings that are used will level up after creating 1,000 and then 10,000 products.
	- Starter coal reduced to level 1 now that buildings can be promoted
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 6.28.2019

	- New cities will now eagerly connect to other cities with roads. (sadly this means pop-in, but faster walking, eh?)
	- Updated mod decription to note that mapgen was altered so you no longer need to disable ore and trees
	- Added discord link to mod meta data in hope of gathering feedback
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 6.27.2019

    - Reorganized tier bars for players who use more than 2 action bars
	- Added Singistics as map preset to indicate game is modded.
	- Map Gen no longer contains controllers for trees or ores
	- Removed all default map presets for bugfixes
	- Rendered text on market
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 6.26.2019

    - Coal can no longer be traded to T2, thus skipping T1.
	- Mapper no longer deletes player map tags
	- Market expanded to include armor, equipment, inserters
	- Cities are now paved to help identify tiers on the surface
    - Added coin to hotbar 0
	- Changed sell prices of science to scale up over tiers
	- LoadersAutorotation >= 0.0.2
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 6.25.2019

  Version 2:
    - Major redesign. Not going to play the same and will not support previous maps.
	- It should be less important to play on a bare map, biters are still a bad idea
    - Added marketplace where coins can be exchanged for logistical requirements and player upgrades
	- Starter base reduced - take coal to tier 1 cities to start
	- Coin is earned by selling science created in cities at the market
	- Auto Set action bars to related tiers to clarify item tiers and ease manual trading
	- Logistical and player items are no longer on the trade inventory
	- Coin no longer directly on the random trade inventory
	- Removed power from pump and radar 
	- Added subgroups for 7 tiers of production
	- Removed starter recipes
	- Player now starts with 1000 coin and some logistical stuff
	- Reduced trade yields to 1-3 random
	- Removed machine level mapping
	- Auto label cities to indicate tier on spawn
	- Removed local recipe requirement (cities are tiered)
	- each tier has a science recipe
	- each tier can be upgraded to the next at a loss
	- Most tiers have a liquid, tile, nuclear path that isnt fleshed out yet
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 6.21.2019

    - No known bugs.

    - Added constant potential for trades that involve starting city outputs.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 6.20.2019

    - Starting buildings could overlap. Now tend to be more spread and shouldnt overlap.

    - Added text to represent city output on mapped icons (icon is input)
	- Added local recipe requirements to reduce scavenger hunting trades
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 6.19.2019

    - No known bugs.

    - Added 9 Module items
	- Added trains and rail
	- Added Car and Tank
	- Added tier 2 and 3 Assembly "Cities" to the map gen
	- Added Repair packs
	-Magic Mapper:
		Automatically adds the icon of a cities needs to the map when you access the city.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 6.18.2019

    - Initial minimal beta release