Simple Seablock

by Aronson

Seablock based primarily around vanilla factorio techtree with minor changes

7 months ago
Environment Fluids

g Wasn't sure where to put this - model help

7 months ago

Hey! i know this super random, but i wasnt sure where to ask - i really like this mod idea! im a huge fan of making things fit in with the stock factorio style and stuff, but i was wondering if you were open to help? I'd love to give you some custom models for the buildings in the game (like the electrolyser), if your all okay with it course :]

7 months ago

Hello, I would certainly be receptive to custom graphics for the Electrolyzer. Its current existence as a blue-tinted chemical plant is evidence of the fact that I'm not terribly artistic.

7 months ago

i get it, dw - i can do art but only in niche categories and anything else turns me into a fish out of water. would there be anywhere else were i could contact you to send you images, files, etc? discord perhaps?

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