Ahh i see, so you force return to depot on a temp station, that would work, the only drawback then would be that you have to recall the train when you want to move on which can take a while depending on how close your depot is i guess.
Train overcrowding is not really a problem that i have as i use LTN for everything, so i have 200+ stations but i only need about 30 trains, my only problem with it is when a train can't complete its delivery and times out, thats why i build seperate passenger stops into all my facilities and have 2 station name prefixes for cargo/passenger stations, nothing worse than arriving somewhere and the loaders start defueling your train into the wrong place :D
I guess one of us needs to come up with a superb innovation to get people back into trains, i keep toying with the idea of a superfast "passenger pod" train, i even built the 3d model but the hassle of doing all the spritesheets means i can never be bothered to do anything with it lol