ShinyBobGFX Continued

Graphics update for Bob's mods. Revamp of the original ShinyBobs but graphic changes only

4 years ago

i Did you try Artisanal Reskins?

4 years ago

Kirazy's reskin mods are a good alternative to shiny especially in combination with angels. Did you try them?

4 years ago

never heard of artisanal reskins but it looks really nice, i'll probably switch over to it for my single player, but i just upgraded my MP server to 1.1 and people were asking for it to be back like it was so this seemed the easiest way, sad the original owner hasn't updated it, its literally a 2 minute fix :(

4 years ago

The main reason I switched was that shiny messes with ordering. In newer versions angel does that, too and it was a total mess.

4 years ago

Yeah but i think a lot of people got used to that order as the server has been up on .18 for over a year, i held off updating it till the latest stable release and this was pretty much the only mod that hadn't been updated or replaced by now

4 years ago

I used shinys for years but finding belts and machines in sometimes 4 tabs or more was to much. Definitely give artisan a try!

4 years ago

Tried it, love it, now i just need to convince my friends to accept the change, i can hear their whined cries of "i cant find the robot frames anymore" over discord already :*(

4 years ago

Also check out the settings. You can change the tiers and colors to be more like bobs/shinies/vanilla and change some other things like the randomized bars.

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