ScienceCostTweaker Mod (mexmer)

by mexmer

Allows the cost of research to be tweaked, in terms of count, science packs and time. Edit its configs costs *.lua to tweak the multipliers. - Original mod made by UberWafe, this is adopted version for factorio from version 0.16 until current

11 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b lab inputs can have string keys

4 years ago

Had an error in sctmlib.lua , line 23: table.remove(labinputs, _i)

A mod added lab inputs with inputs[name] = name (cough it was my code cough). According to the wiki this is legal (inputs are a table, not an array).

Changed it to labinputs[_i] = nil and it looks to work

4 years ago

not sure what you mean, can you show me sample code?
tbh. i have no idea what you talking about
_i is automatic index from lua, so it should work in all cases.

if, as you suggest, inputs can be table, then it should fail already at inputpack == packname
from what you say about inputs, i would need to test also if inputpack is table ...

anyways, post this again on github, also with sample code, where it fails, here is limited option to post code.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you. I posted on the github and it took a few edits for me to get the indentation working. (three backticks on each side, not one... same as Discord code tags)

4 years ago

yes thanks, i will need some more info, but let's continue there.

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