Science Converter

This mod allows the ability to convert science packs into one another, Up and down a tier! Including space science!

4 months ago
Mining Manufacturing


Welcome to the Science Conversion Mod
Author : Narokuu
Twitter: @narokuu
Contact: Contact me in the factorio discord, or on twitter If you use this mod in a video or on stream,
Provide a link here instead of a download link.

Please contact me if you want to edit or make changes to this mod.

Special Thanks: A very special thanks to: Darthun, for guiding me through my first mod, and creating the art used for the mod. Justarandomgeek, 
and other members of the modding community, for the tireless questions and help. And a huge thanks to the entire factorio dev team. for making this game
amazing, and what it is today!

Version: 1.1.0
Date: 5/20/2022
	Info: Updated to 1.1.59
Version: 1.1
Date: 25. 04. 2021
   Info: Updated to 1.1.32 factorio
Version: 0.18.0
Date: 23. 01. 2020
  Info: Updated to work with factorio 0.18
  Added Space Science
  Balanced quanity needed for conversion for each tier of science
Version: 17.1.2
Date: 01. 01. 2020
  Info: Updated guide, and fixed readme issues
Version 17.1.1
Info: Initial Mod Release