We appreciate the care you're putting into our request.
This is with just your mod alongside SE.
It wouldn't be fair to expect you to balance around every other nuclear mod as well, especially when they easily break the balance to absurdity when combined. It's why we chose to use only yours for a more balanced approach and to rid of Korvarex.
However, it should be noted that Korvarex is assumed to be enabled for anyone playing Space Exploration, thus obtaining the U-235 consistently wasn't supposed to be an issue. Since uranium is a limited resource in SE by design, you would rely on that process to keep the supply steady while also powering reactors at several locations.
That being said, I've had three weeks to experience the mod quite late into the game and a single LEU does feel insignificant, but enriched uranium was just too brutal with the restrictions at hand. Rather than find the mathematical balance once we started, I left it alone just in case.
We'd gladly welcome a proper analysis of the math based on how it would have played out if Korvarex still existed; alongside the knowledge that uranium patches are often less than 600k and extremely rare to find on default settings, with most planets having practically none. The concern was that of ore consumption being too high and being unable to find any uranium to continue production.
That was the reason why creating only 200 science packs terrified us with the 98× U-235 requirement:
That 50% return was a small comfort as you could imagine, lol.
Hopefully you can understand our concerns, but also our desire for a proper balance between the two mods. We look forward to your thoughts.