Yes, if you have flamethrower + laser turrets for defense, you will be fine. But not everyone build flamethrower turrets for their base. At least in more than 50% of my public multiplayer games, people would only use laser turrets if the spawns were not that much. To my experience, players of "Death World" would see flamethrower turrets as essential (probably you are part of this group.) Players of "normal modes/maps" tend not to use flamethrower turrets. This mod primarily serves to "upgrade" the experience of the later group, by "pressuring" them to build a mixed defense.
Although you already have a good mixed defense, I am sure that at least those invasions would have pushed further into the area, compared to if you don't have those mutants. For example, a leading ceramic biter would have attracted your laser turrets to keep shooting on them, so they bought some time for the trailing spitters to attack your defense. So I am sure this mod at least "forced" you to have a denser defense line and consume more ammo to achieve "perfect" defense.
Assuming players not having other modded turrets, vanilla gun turrets has a range of 18, while behemoth spitter has a range of 16. This can be too restrictive on how gun turrets should be deployed, so I am hesitant if mutants can be resistant to both fire and laser.