Scanning Radar

by Strath

A scanning radar that sweeps an arc. Control radius, speed, direction, and more with signals.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b some problems (not game breaking) and some suggestions

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

there are a few problems, maybe you could also call these to be suggestions or "features" rather than real bugs, but here they are anyway since i think they should be improved urgently:

  • when i use scanning radars in blueprints, neither the condition to activate the radar nor the wires that connect the radar to a constant combinator (or other circuitry) are restored on placing the blueprint.
    as a temporary fix, i have reduced all mod settings (most important the scan radius) to minimal values to not start it up with big values that cause too many chunks to be revealed and too many energy to be used.

  • when the scanning speed (given by a circuit network or combinator) is out of range (eg S=20), the scanning radar doesn't clip the value to the max allowed value (10) but seems to use either 1 or the mod setting as its default (i don't know which of the two since i have set the mod setting to 1, see above). it would be nice if the radar wouldn't almost crawl to a stop if you accidentally try to make it too fast.

  • scanning with different radius and speeds, i noticed that the outer and inner edges of the scanning area are "fluctuating" a bit, not hitting all the same chunks on every rotation of the radar. this is probably caused by the calculation of the endpoints and rounding errors when using some combinations of angles and speed. would it be possible to adjust those calculations to always have the same inner and outer bounds for the scanning area, or maybe even simpler to just "snap back" the angle to the starting angle when one scan is done and the end-angle is reached or surpassed? this might cause a slightly smaller angle to be scanned at the end of a rotation, but should ensure that every rotation scans exactly the same chunks.

  • as a suggestion, i would like a mod option that allows disabling the radar on placing it until i send my own values. this effect probably could also be achieved by allowing speed=0 as min value for speed in the mod options and for the value of S (maybe S=-1 then could be used to set the speed to the value from the mod options). and this also would allow to (almost) disable the radar and its power usage ingame through signals by sending S=0

  • to (re)start several radars in a synchronized way (same speed and same angle), it would be nice to have a reset signal. currently i achieve this by setting (on all the radars) starting and ending angles to almost the same value, waiting a long(#) time (or reducing range and waiting a short time), and then setting the desired values for range, starting and ending angle and for speed. a new specific signal would make that task a lot easier. if you don't want to add a new signal, maybe the speed could be used for that purpose: always when switching speed from S=0 to some value S>0 the radar would start scanning at its defined starting angle.
    (#) having to wait a long time is needed since it seemed to me that changing the ending angle does not always have an immediate effect, but the radar will finish the rotation first until it crosses the ending angle the next time.

PS: there is a really nice and helpful mod that allows displaying of coordinates for a radar grid (and an arrow how to get to the next position where a radar would be needed). that mod now also has an option to support this mod, to be able to put scanning radars with medium ranges in some kind of hex-grid and thus cover a large area completely:

5 years ago

Thanks for the notes. I'll take these into consideration for the next release.

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