
by PFQNiet

Love Factorio? Love Satisfactory? Want to play both at once? Well all right then! This overhaul mod reworks Factorio to play more like Satisfactory, with Milestones, self-driving cars, direct connection of belts to machines, and much more! Please support the original developers by purchasing a legal copy of Satisfactory before downloading this mod.

2 years ago

g Mod deleted my Blueprints

1 year, 9 months ago

I played this mod a bit and when i played another World without the Mod, my Blueprint library got deleted. Luckily i had a backup in another World. Is this normal or did this only happen to me?

1 year, 8 months ago

Mods don't have the power to interact with your library in any way. My guess would be changing Factorio versions, especially when going down a version, can do this.

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