
by PFQNiet

Love Factorio? Love Satisfactory? Want to play both at once? Well all right then! This overhaul mod reworks Factorio to play more like Satisfactory, with Milestones, self-driving cars, direct connection of belts to machines, and much more! Please support the original developers by purchasing a legal copy of Satisfactory before downloading this mod.

2 years ago

b Quick fix for the tips&tricks

2 years ago

I noticed many people, including me, had the crash with the tips & tricks item, so I made a quick fix for it.

It doesn't include the actual tutorial for the poles, but at least it doesn't crash. GNU GPLv3 does not allow me to provide copies of changed version, so please let me know if I can submit a link to a GDrive here!

2 years ago

You're more than welcome to submit your changes as a pull request on Github, that way it gets fixed "officially" without having to wait another three weeks :)

2 years ago

Submitted a pull request!

2 years ago

I unfortunately didn't like how you fixed it XD
But I've made my own fix in the meantime. And it's not long until I go home and can fix it properly.

2 years ago

Fair enough, I mentioned in the commit that my fix only addresses the crash and does not account for anything else :D

New response