
by PFQNiet

Love Factorio? Love Satisfactory? Want to play both at once? Well all right then! This overhaul mod reworks Factorio to play more like Satisfactory, with Milestones, self-driving cars, direct connection of belts to machines, and much more! Please support the original developers by purchasing a legal copy of Satisfactory before downloading this mod.

2 years ago

b Crash when mining AWESOME sink

2 years ago

I decided to send some uranium waste to the AWESOME sink, and tried to mine it when I noticed it was radioactive. I got the following crash:

6281.478 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 2412084: The mod Satisfactorio (1.0.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Satisfactorio::on_player_mined_entity (ID 66)
LuaEntity doesn't contain key modules.
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function '__index'
    __Satisfactorio__/scripts/special/awesome-sink.lua:86: in function 'processSink'
    __Satisfactorio__/scripts/special/awesome-sink.lua:138: in function 'handler'
    __core__/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <__core__/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>
2 years ago

Hi dalestan, thanks for reporting this. I've opened an issue on Github to work on this error. Should be an easy enough fix, I think.

New response