
by PFQNiet

Love Factorio? Love Satisfactory? Want to play both at once? Well all right then! This overhaul mod reworks Factorio to play more like Satisfactory, with Milestones, self-driving cars, direct connection of belts to machines, and much more! Please support the original developers by purchasing a legal copy of Satisfactory before downloading this mod.

2 years ago

g Download for stable version

2 years ago

it is possible to get a download for the stable version ?

2 years ago

Hi, could you clarify what you mean by stable? I realise I've made a few updates already, but these are fairly minor.

2 years ago

Oh, I think I get what you meant - for stable Factorio?

Unfortunately the mod does use some of the brand-newest features of Factorio's modding API, so it will only work on the latest experimental version right now.

2 years ago

yeah, stable factorio. Most servers are running at stable.
But thx for the Info :/

2 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the information too, I'll keep that in mind when making further updates. For now, either the server needs to be pushed to experimental, or just wait for 1.1.37 to be marked stable - which shouldn't be too long, just another couple of days.

2 years ago

yeah i hope so , would like to try this out :)

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