The power issue could explain it. When power is too low for combinators to operate properly, that's when the nixies will also stop working (source):
if >= 50 then
-- new_state is a string of the new state (see stateDisplay)
parameters.parameters.operation = stateDisplay[new_state]
if parameters.parameters.operation ~= stateDisplay["off"] then
parameters.parameters.operation = stateDisplay["off"]
Since the power draw of the nixies is limited, it might take a second before they turn back on, and they will only turn on when the signal codition is changes, so when it changes the value to be displayed. That's why they might appear as if they stopped working completely.
I could set it to a condition such that it will update and starts working again once it has enough power again, but then it will look like it's flickering on and off when you are having power issues. I'm not sure..