Space Exploration No More Rocket Man

by aotho

Make spaceships available earlier and cheaper for players using the Space Exploration mod

1 year, 24 days ago
Transportation Logistics

g incompatible

1 year, 4 months ago

Thank you for your work, I love the idea very much, flying a spaceship is the main pleasure of space exploration for me, but can't get into the game after downloading your mod, shows :A mod has broken critical parts of the Space Exploration tech tree.Please report the mod causing the problem so it can be fixed or marked as incompatible.Error details: se-space-rail needs se-energy-science-pack-1。Space Exploration can only be turned on when I turn this mod off

1 year, 4 months ago

Thanks for the report! The problem is related to the load order of the mods. It's possible you can fix it by deleting and re-installing both Space Exploration and this mod.
Otherwise a fix is to start a new game, then from the Map generator screen click "Mod settings", scroll down to "Unknown key:mod-setting-name.senomorerocketman-earlier-space-railway" and untick that option.

1 year, 4 months ago

I tried to reinstall this mod and Space Exploration after removing Space Exploration and its graphics pack, but it didn't work. The mod Settings cannot be opened due to an error in launching factorio. The game can only start if Space Exploration Postprocess (Required) is disabled. After disabling Space exploration and your mods do not work and the Settings cannot be changed

1 year, 4 months ago

Ok I've removed the 0.2.0 release which introduced the change that caused the error. I'm not sure what the process is to downgrade to the previous 0.1.0 release but if you can, it should work.

1 year, 4 months ago

Thank you for your assistance, but I found a problem, the manufacture of space exploration rocket requires the launch vehicle segment, and this mod cannot be made, resulting in the inability to obtain astronomy pack 4 and energy Pack 4 materials

1 year, 4 months ago

The crash and the problem with building space probe rockets should both be fixed in v0.3.0. Thanks for spotting them!

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