Run Speed Toggle

This mod will toggle the player's run speed multiplier (applied after all bonuses) to one of three configurable values with a keypress (F6 by default, but configurable).

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Error while running event RunSpeedToggle::runspeedtoggle_hotkey (ID 280)

4 years ago

Error while running event RunSpeedToggle::runspeedtoggle_hotkey (ID 280)
No character.
stack traceback:
RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:52: in function <RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:47>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:52: in function <RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:47>

The hotkey should be ignored in creative mode.
best regards. kux

4 years ago

Yes, it should be ignored in creative mode. In fact, the mod should disable itself in creative mode. :-)

Do you have any idea how to detect if I'm in creative mode or not?

4 years ago

It should also be incompatible with BNW. Luckily, that's pretty easy.

4 years ago

I'm not familar with the Factorio API so I can nothing say about this. At present I avoid toogle the speed if no player is availabe ;-)
In the meantime also changed to version 1.0.0 The error still occurs, which was to be expected, but no other problems.

4 years ago

I found another place where there is no character
Space Exploratio > Universe Explorer > View Surface

Die Mod Run Speed Toggle (0.2.1) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event RunSpeedToggle::runspeedtoggle_hotkey (ID 286)
No character.
stack traceback:
RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:52: in function <RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:47>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:52: in function <RunSpeedToggle/control.lua:47>

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