I'm able to use productivity modules on both the assembler to make the kits as well as the rocket. Did you intend to allow for more productivity with these? I feel like it makes sense to not allow prod modules on the assembler to make the parts but still allow it on the rocket silos to maintain existing builds when adding this mod. What do you think?
I'm personally not that fussed either way. I tend to use mods to enable productivity in everything anyway - including beacons. If you feel it's important, though, I could add a mod options toggle for it. Honestly, the thought never even occurred to me. Figure it's worth the effort?
It might be a good default just to maintain vanilla balance, and then the other mod you're talking about could add it back in? In the end I personally can just avoid using prod modules for the assembly kits and I can maintain vanilla balance that way.
yeah i would imagine just disable productivity on the silo since it's now just a collection point, but filling silos with prod mods might be too iconic
I figured that changing my own recipe was simpler than changing the Silo. Currently, I'm only changing the ingredients of the Rocket Parts recipe. I actually tried swapping out its recipe initially, but it led to non-standard crashes (ACTUAL client crashes, not handled Lua exceptions). So, the simpler path was to leave the Silo alone and tweak my own stuff.
Personally I don't mind the extra productivity one bit. Better to use speed anyhow on the silo if you can hit it with productivity on the manufacturing side anyhow, so rockets can get insta-prepped for launch.
Personally I don't mind the extra productivity one bit. Better to use speed anyhow on the silo if you can hit it with productivity on the manufacturing side anyhow, so rockets can get insta-prepped for launch.