Ability to customize the performance of your robots/roboports, such as speed, range, battery size, construction/logistic zone size and more. Setting to enable quick start mode.
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
When going into the mods settings and enabling "early construction robots" I get the following error:
Failed to load mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "construction-robot" (recipe): IngredientPrototype must be a dictionary and contain "type" property.
Shorthand format using an array is no longer supported in property tree at ROOT.recipe.construction-robot.ingredients[0]
Modifications: Base mod › Robot World 2.0
The only setting that is currently updated and working is "Enable Quick Start" mode which gives you construction robots and logistic robots at the start. You can edit all the settings for robots and roboports such as speed, range, battery sizes etc.
Unfortunately, I have NOT updated the early construction robots settings or any other settings as of yet.