A collection of mods to add/edit the vanilla research tech, make it more challenging, and even add in 30 more science packs.
Collections of mods with tweaks to make them work together.
Version: 0.0.6 Changes: - Changed research queueing mod to Ultimate Research Queue - Removed Fogged Research, as it is similar to Discovery Tree - Marked Clown Science & Research Counter as optional - Added optional mods: Ery's Research Progress Frame Evolution Through Research Extended Research Queue
Version: 0.0.5 Changes: - Added Infused Science (fixed) as optional Please note that it is not compatible with More Science
Version: 0.0.4 Changes: - Edited most infinte tech mods to required (magically works now) - Added InfiTech - Removed the inserter capacity reserch mod
Version: 0.0.3 Changes: - Fixed dumb typo (thanks @Burkhardk) - Marked infinite tech mods optional due to loading issues - Added more research related mods
Version: 0.0.2 Changes: - Fixed dependencies to actually compile (not)