Resource Objectives

Craft specific items to earn small bonuses.

1 year, 11 months ago

g Any plans for overhauls?

1 year, 10 months ago

Would be nice to have this for brevven's mods or other overhauls :)

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

Interesting question! I think I won't add most of them myself as balancing the objectives requires understanding the overhaul quite well and play testing it a bunch of times – I won't have time to learn a lot of different overhauls in a reasonable schedule.

However, I could make it easier to add your own objectives in the mod without changing the code. Maybe the best objective lists could be exported by the player and shared in a future version of the mod itself.

This mod also includes an analytics tool to help figure out where the balancing might be way off – maybe it could be more spreadsheet friendly.

If you would be interested to develop the objectives for some overhauls, I'm happy to help. :) To get started, you can download the mod code from GitHub, and you'll need to change the objectives.lua file (link) – it should be pretty self-explanatory if you have any experience in developing Factorio mods. Let me know if this is something you are interested in and if there's any way I could help you further, or any small features that would make this easier for you!

1 year, 10 months ago

Sure! I've been working through several overhauls, we'll see if I get the patience to really finish any thoroughly enough to have the knowledge required to write objectives.

1 year, 10 months ago

I mean it doesn’t have to be perfect, or even complete, but yes understanding what the game is about helps make good intermediate goals. :D

1 year, 10 months ago

I notice the reward is the same as the objective. Is there a way to change this easily? Also, it would be nice to have multiple objectives simultaneously if possible.

1 year, 10 months ago

There is currently no support for giving a different reward than the resources. This should be pretty easy to add – I’ll look into it. I think it was originally a design desicion to keep it simple, because that way the reward doesn’t need to be displayed separately. However, maybe it can be a surprise.

Multiple simultaneous objectives is also technically easy on surface, but the hard part is displaying them and managing the branching logic. Factorio itself doesn’t have support for multiple objectives, so they should be fit in the same objective box – which already is taking up precious space from the screen (players have different size displays). This is a painpoint for me personally, and one person reported this to be the reason they uninstalled this mod.

Also, the next obvious need is having multiple paths for the objectives. For example in vanilla it could make sense to give the player an option to pursue rail objectives or oil objectives – after completing the first rail objective, you would want to complete a few more rail objectives.

What kind of logic should be allowed in the tree/network of objectives? It it pretty easy to add an after and id fields to the objectives, but is that enough? Should the paths be able to merge again? Should new objectives be displayed after completing any, or after completing all previous objectives? Should it be possible to add arbitrary logic for the list of objectives that need to be complete?

TL;DR: I’ll add the support for different rewards and start with it being a surprise to the player. For the parallel objectives, I need to first understand how to display them without taking up a lot of space from the screen.

1 year, 10 months ago

I wonder if there's a way to have an objectives window that can be open or closed? It doesn't necessarily have to be integrated with the crappy vanilla objectives system. I was thinking under the hood the objectives would be like an AND over prereqs, just like the tech tree (doesn't need the same pretty interface though lol).

1 year, 10 months ago

Interesting idea! I think it will be significantly more work, but I’ll consider it if I have enough time for this project at some point.

1 year, 10 months ago

Fair enough. Seems like there hasn't been much interest, so I totally understand not wanting to invest too much more in it, but I'm interested at least :)

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