Resource Labels Continued

Adds icons to resources on the map, optionally with a label and the resource count.

4 years ago

g Resource count not updated?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I created a new game with Bio Industries. In order to have a sink for all the wood I can create with BI, I've set coal patches to a very low frequency, with smaller size/richness than the other resources. When I began playing, I used Resource Labels Continued to label resource patches with resource names and counts; it showed 24K coal for the patch in the starting area.

Now, several hours later, I've become quite stingy with the remaining coal, using mainly wood and wood pulp as fuel for my burner drills, inserters and assembling machines (I will use these until I can guarantee a steady flow of self-made coal to generate electricity from). It would be quite helpful to see how much coal is left in the patch. I guess it should be less than 5K now, but even if after updating labels, the amount shown on the map is still the original 24K. Could you look into that, please?

4 years ago

Hmm, so the sizes aren't updating after you press Shift-H to clear and then Shift-G to rescan ? I'll look into it

4 years ago

Ok so i just started a new map and carved 100k off a 900k coal field and updated the labels and it came up as 800k so its definitely working as it should, are you sure you dont have another mod messing with map labels maybe ?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry for the long delay! I can't reconstruct the failure anymore. Shift-H followed by Shift-G seems to work now. However, in my last game (where I reported the bug -- accidentally deleted the directory with the saved games, though) it took an insane amount of time for the scan to complete. I guess I explored too many chunks too fast.

I was playing with Cargo ships and went on a trip with the boat provided by that mod. Driving over water means you can go around biter nests, and if you stay clear of big/behemoth worms on the coast line, you can explore a much bigger area than if you're confined to land. Moreover, Cargo ships provides offshore oil (with the settings I used then, there were many, many patches) and I also used Geothermal, which spawned many resource patches as well. At one time I hit Shift-G twice and was told I'd have to wait some time before I could restart the labeling. That's all perfectly normal and dandy -- but in that case, "some time" meant something in the vicinity of 10.000 to 15.000 ticks (don't remember the exact figure). That is several minutes in real time!

Then again, I'd also YARM installed at the time -- perhaps that mod had messed with my expectations because it updates the table with values for marked ore patches automatically and I expected your mod to do the same? Seriously, I can't tell for sure anymore, but it seems I reported a not-a-bug bug. :-)

New response