Remove Biter Soil & Nuke Scorch Marks

Removes biter decorations as well as nuke scorch marks in any given radius.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
3 years ago
Latest Version:
2.2.8 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
1.28K users

Remove Biter Soil & Nuke Scorch Marks


Is your new claimed territory filled with biter-tainted soil, nuke scorch marks and craters?
And does this unsightly landscape bother you, when placing assemblers on the ground? Fear no more.

This tool allows you to remove biter soil and nuke scorch marks in any given radius, when placing tile ghosts.

  • No impact on UPS (only looks for biter soil and scorch marks when placing tile ghosts, which is event triggered)
  • Uses a built-in engine function to search and destroy biter decorations in a given area (so it's very fast)
  • Removes only biter soil and biter decorations (other decorations are not removed)
  • Removes scorch marks and craters from nukes (also regenerates terrain and decorations for the burned tiles)


  • Pick up a tile ghost (e.g. concrete in quickbar) and place it on top of a destroyed biter nest or nuke crater
  • Afterwards use the deconstruction planner with the tile ghost filter enabled to cleanup the ghosts (or use Ctrl+Z)
  • Make sure you have the 'Pick ghost item' option enabled in the settings, if you want to place tiles that you don't have


  • Why there is no automatic removal every few ticks?
    -) Because I wanted a mod that has zero impact on UPS, and only searches a given area and not the whole map
    -) Therefore placing a tile ghost triggers the search, but only for a single time, and only in a given radius
  • Can I configure the cleanup radius?
    -) Yes, for biter soil the cleanup radius is (Min: 1, Max: 1000, Default: 100)
    -) And for nuke scorch marks the cleanup radius is (Min: 1, Max: 500, Default: 50)
  • Why does this only work for tile ghosts?
    -) With tile ghosts you can also use this tool in map mode (and also with no roboport coverage of course)
    -) Also usually tile ghosts are already used in blueprints when building new outposts with bots
    -) So you don't need another button or shortcut in your hotbar, and removal happens automatically for every new outpost :)
  • Does this mod also remove the biter nests?
    -) No, the biter nests and worms are not removed (so you still have to fight them).
    -) Destroyed nests and worms are automatically removed by the game.
  • Why does the game sometimes lag, when removing nuke scorch marks?
    -) The reason for this is simple. I have to regenerate the terrain and the decorations for the burned tiles.
    -) This takes some time, but this is done very efficiently, and I only regenerate the tiles that are absolutely needed.

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