Remote Configuration

Allows the player to configure any machine from the map, without allowing item transfer so it maintains the vanilla feel. Allows wire placement and entity settings copy/paste at any distance. Press R to issue a rotation request, right-click to mark for deconstruction. Less cheaty alternative to Far Reach. Similar to Space Exploration's Navigation Satellite, but works entirely within map view.

11 months ago

b Map actions not in undo history

9 months ago

I find myself often undoing (via CTRL+Z) after doing a remote configuration action like deconstructing or planning a machine. However, these aren't added to the undo history, even though the undo history is made mainly for this exact kind of action. This leads to unintentional deconstruction of things I just planned or the opposite, both of which can be frustrating and sometimes nigh impossible to spot.

9 months ago

Sadly nothing I can do about this. You can try installing the Redo mod, which also replaces Undo functionality with a scripted version which works better for things like this.

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