Recipe Requester Chest

Set the logistics of a requester chest or buffer chest to a recipe. Can also be used to block logistic robots from delivering items until finished setting up a requester.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Locked slots

2 years ago

All my existing requester chests from before I installed this mod have now all slots locked! And I can't unlock then!


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I think there is a misunderstanding. Locking the chest slots was done because: If a requester slot is assigned, then bots will deliver items immediately. To try and prevent this, when a requester chest is opened, the mod locks the slots.

HOWEVER, when the chest is closed, the bars should return to what they were (or stay to what they were set, while the GUI is open). The only way to "see" this is to try and quick transfer to a requester chest: when the GUI for the chest is OPEN, the bars are locked and quick transfer will not work. If the chest is NOT opened, then the chest should have all slots, and ctrl-clicking items will show the slots are open.

I believe I tested this, and if bots are unable to deliver to requester chests AT ALL, please let me know. In short: the chest should be locked while opened, but when closed, the slots are open.

2 years ago

I think you are right... The chest was working (the robots are filling the chests)!


2 years ago

Thank you for asking about it :)

This thread has been locked.