Recipe Requester Chest

Set the logistics of a requester chest or buffer chest to a recipe. Can also be used to block logistic robots from delivering items until finished setting up a requester.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Hi, version stuff?

4 years ago

Sorry for asking, but is support for this discontinued or will it be updated to work with the new v1.1?

Really useful and I'll be sad if I have to do without it. Thanks!

4 years ago

I'll try to look into it tonight. Have you tried forcing the factorio version to a higher number?

4 years ago

Yes, and it sort of worked, most of the time. Then I would get weird errors at random times.

One that I remember was miss shift-clicking onto a Requester chest from a building or inserter and it attempted to put the recipe up, but got a crash instead.

4 years ago

Updated :DDD report bugs please. See the changelog, as they changed some of the modding stuff I depended on without actually noting it in the version history.

4 years ago

Nioce! Thank you ^_^

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