Recipe Requester Chest

Set the logistics of a requester chest or buffer chest to a recipe. Can also be used to block logistic robots from delivering items until finished setting up a requester.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Use Case

4 years ago

What I couldn't see from your description is the specific use case for such a chest, when compared to copy-pasting the recipe onto a normal requester chest.

What did I overlook?

4 years ago

its done for my request, to collect exact amount of materials for given number of crafts; while copy-paste from assembler request amount needed for 1 minute crafting, including modules, and that amount cant be modified;

i needed it mostly for modded recipes, where you can craft some stuffs only under very specific conditions, and want to have all materials gathered, like for expensive transport to place where you can craft it.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

@Ferlonas did you figure out how to copy and paste the settings? I literally tried copy and pasting, some other things... The wiki description for v12 on the chest suggests I'd have to use the copy/paste ENTITY settings, which sounded like a code call. In my mind, that meant finding a way to store the copy and paste it, code side. If it was easier than that, whoops.

Edit: oh right, that recipe thing is limited to certain TIME of assembly machine, including modules. One could probably multiply it out, but it would get weird fast.

4 years ago

You guys might want to check this out if you haven't seen it:

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