Realistic Reactors

Add realistic nuclear reactors including a breeder reactor type and cooling tower. The reactors must be controlled through integrated circuit interface signals. The thermal energy output is dynamic and depends on reactor core temperature. The reactors require sophisticated designs of their cooling system and heat-pipe network. If the operational conditions aren't met then a reactor core meltdown with dangerous consequences occurs

8 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Reactor never finishes startup process

1 year, 9 months ago

I have two reactors, one is working fine. The second will not start.

It is identical to the first and sending the START signal via a constant combinator causes it to countdown from 30 to 15, then it immediately stops. Sending a constant START signal causes the reactor to start/stop over and over quickly.

I have tried to replace the reactor. I also separated it's circuitry such that it only has a wire going to the START signal combinator to isolate it. Nothing works.


Video of the problem

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

They also are taking a very long time to heat up? Takes 15min to get to 400 degrees. I am not pumping water into them nor using the heat in the pipes for anything.

Krastorio 2
Realistic Reactors
Sneak Through

1 year, 8 months ago

I think your problem is electricity. During startup phase reactors consume a lot of power, looks like your network can't provide that.
That would lead to the start-stop behaviour, otherwise I have no idea...

1 year, 8 months ago

This was correct, I couldn't provide the power. Watching the accumulator signal on the reactor helped with this.

That being said I don't get a neighbor bonus despite either.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

You need to provide power during the start up (and operation too).
You better wait until your reactor heats up before attaching heat pipes (yes, somewhat strange to start your reactor before you finished building the rest).
You need to connect reactors with heat pipes to get the bonus.
You need to watch the power output/efficiency to decide if you are getting the bonus.

And while at it:
You need to make sure that your cooling tower's output doesn't get blocked. Otherwise you get the "clouds of vapor" animation without the actual cooldown.

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