Realistic Reactors

Add realistic nuclear reactors including a breeder reactor type and cooling tower. The reactors must be controlled through integrated circuit interface signals. The thermal energy output is dynamic and depends on reactor core temperature. The reactors require sophisticated designs of their cooling system and heat-pipe network. If the operational conditions aren't met then a reactor core meltdown with dangerous consequences occurs

8 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Cooling Tower performance specs

2 years ago

Since I can't find the numbers on cooling tower performance anywhere else, I located them in the source code and thought I'd post them here so someone else may hopefully find them.

As of v3.1.4 the recipes are the following:
- 300 steam to 50 water in 0.7s
- 500 water to 480 water in 0.5s

The input temperature is not important. Output water will have the default temperature.

1 year, 2 months ago

would've been nice if they implemented them in the description. even the extended descriptions mod i'm using doesn't show them. also need a way to figure out just how much cooling tower you need per reactor, if possible with reactor ECCS coolant usage rate and water per heat or heat per water ECCS rate would be nice.

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