Realistic Reactors

Add realistic nuclear reactors including a breeder reactor type and cooling tower. The reactors must be controlled through integrated circuit interface signals. The thermal energy output is dynamic and depends on reactor core temperature. The reactors require sophisticated designs of their cooling system and heat-pipe network. If the operational conditions aren't met then a reactor core meltdown with dangerous consequences occurs

8 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [moreinfo] Bob's/Angels/MadClowns Compat?

4 years ago

Is this mod compatible with Bob's/Angels/MadClowns?

4 years ago

Yes, ish.

It does it's stuff to the vanilla reactor, but not any modded ones, from what I can see.

4 years ago

I'd like to know if it's all that hard to apply this to other reactors.

4 years ago

Yes it is.
That's the answer to both of your questions ;)

4 years ago


3 years ago

It would be nice if angels overhauls would be fully supported.

3 years ago


basically there is some support for

  • MadClown01s AngelBob Nuclear
  • amator phasmas nuclear relaunched

although through Ownly's formulas option only. The support is existing since a long time already, and the mod archive includes documentation on that. It would be nice if you provided more details about what exactly to support in which way.



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