Realistic Ores

by ouk_ouk

New look for iron, copper and uranium ores. Now, they have colors of real ores, not refined metals. Also, uranium ore glow is decreased to 70%. (Configurable and with support for other mods.)

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Compatibility with "Deep core mining"

4 years ago

Hi! Deep core mining leaves deep-ore patches once a regular mine has been depleted. Unfortunately, these patches are colored the vanilla way, so a patch left from an iron mine looks like it would produce copper if your mod is active (which it is here). Could you recolor these deep-core mining patches if the other mod is loaded? It's not game-breaking stuff, but it's a bit confusing and it would be really nice if the coloring was consistent. :-)

4 years ago

Hmm, that's quite interesting mod. I might start using it myself if I wouldn't still have a few achievements to get.
Consider it done.

4 years ago

Thank you very much! :-)

4 years ago

This is quite complicated mod, so don't expect that today. Especially that I don't see any quick way to generate some deep-ore patches on demand, for tests.
(Man, I hate making textures. I hope there is not too many.)

4 years ago

Don't worry, don't hurry! I'm not having time to play right now anyway, and even if I wanted to: there are still too many mods not updated to 0.18, and continuing in 0.17 is impossible because one of the crucial mods that caused a crash is fixed only for 0.18 …

Anyway, if you want to have it, I can send you a saved game that already has copper and iron deepcore patches.

4 years ago

Hello ouk_ouk

I'm the author of Deep Core Mining ! Pi-C also discussed with me about supporting your mod. Thanks for the interest !
I'm not personnaly using your mod but find the concept cool. I probably won't explicitly support it but before you spend too much time into doing your own support, I'd like to just let you know that I'll try to do a small refactor / optimisation in the way I handle GFX for the standard ores.

Currently vanilla ores have custom made gfx, but I made a "generic" gfx with tinting by script to handle other mod's ore that I explicitly support. I'd like to review the iron, copper, coal and uranium to keep the specific gfx but make them tintable aswell.
This should greatly ease your job to explicitly support them in your mod !

Also if you want to test the ore patches specific to my mod, it's actually very simple with the editor as you can paint them like any resources of the game, it's just the spawn mecanic that's special as they don't appear in the wild but instead are spawned on ores depletion.

Anyway ! I hope to have some time to do this update in my mod soonish :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


Nice to see you're interested!

What kind of changes are you going to make during the refactoring? I can wait till you finish but these changes would have to be pretty extensive changes to affect me. You would need to change textures themselves or names/categories of prototypes. This is pretty much all I touch with my mod.

As for making vanilla ores tintable, I don't think I would use that option. At least not for ore patches. I like to overlay a picture of a real ore over the original texture to make it more, well, realistic.

P.S. Good catch with the map editor. I forgot it exists.

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